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Other FAQ
More frequently asked questions can be found here
SAFE SEP#5 allocation redemption deadline (27.10.23 10:00UTC)
SafeDAO Governance App FAQ
Safe and the upcoming Merge
“Nest Safes” - How to use another Safe as a signer for another Safe?
How to manage CryptoPunks with Safe
Why can't I transfer ETH from a contract into a Safe?
What is the Safe transaction hash (safeTxHash)?
Checksummed address
My Safe transaction failed but Etherscan reports "Success" - why is that?
Why do I need to pay for cancelling a transaction?
What is a fallback handler and how does it relate to Safe?
Why are transactions with the same nonce conflicting with each other?
How is the fiat value of assets calculated?
Why do I see an "unexpected delegate call" warning in my transaction?
How to use your legacy mobile Gnosis Safe with the Safe web interface